Audio capture and SPL viewer
This program will open Macbook's "Built-in Microphone" and start listening and rendering the waveform when you press "Capture".
Code is just baked
Build and run
Easier way to run this is in Intellij, open the project folder as a java project, add any dependencies needed and create a new Run configuration, "Application"
- Verify that the processing of multi bytes (for 16 and 24 bit signals) is correct
- Investigate why the sign of each byte, in the multi-byte case again, may be different
- Convert display from linear to logarithmic (show decibels; at the moment the value of each samples is printed as is)
- Any suggestions for dependency management and easier setup (and alternatives to maven) welcome!
- Find an easy way to build an all-inclusive jar (with or without maven shade plugin) so we can run this with "java -jar"